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Public offer agreement

the contract of a public offer♥️for cattery:

Cupcake ,Smart ,Smart Cupcake,Karafuto Victory

1) the Kitten is considered reserved only after the Deposit is 50%.

The Deposit is NOT REFUNDABLE!!!

and is considered compensation for the content kitten and the lost possibilities on its sale.
2)it is necessary to understand that the degree of the Sphinx is dependent on many factors. The Sphinx is not a rubber cat, but only the appearance of hairlessness. Hair follicles cats of breed the canadian Sphynx are present. Hormones, climate and genetics play an important role in the animal's hunger. Even if the canadian Sphinx kitten is naked during transmission, it is possible to develop some pubescence in the future. The breeder cannot guarantee that the Sphinx kitten will not have pubescence in the future.

3) Breeder is not responsible for the loss characteristics of the animal through the fault of the Owner or in case of emergency situations (accident, the consequences of serious illness, inappropriate content, food, etc.). Quality assessment is made at the time of transfer of the animal.

4) the Breeder shall: at the request and expense of the Owner before sending a kitten home Owner to invite experts from laboratory Chance Bio home for tests a kitten to a fatal infection. In case of receiving positive tests for deadly diseases - FIP, FIV, FELV, the Breeder returns to the Owner the amount paid for the rights of breeding use for the animal in full. Claims for positive tests for viruses, including Coronavirus, are not considered if there is no clinical picture of the disease. Animals nursery Cupcake animals (nobivac)(purevax, felocel)vaccinated with live-attenuated vaccine Purevax ,animals Cats vaccinated with attenuated vaccine, produced average antibody titers, which remain at this level for at least 4 years. (R. M. Gaskell, M Bennett, "HANDBOOK on infectious diseases of dogs and cats").

Tests should be ready 10 working days before the date of departure of the kitten from the nursery "Cupcake". If the Owner has not exercised that right ( paragraph 4 ), the claims on health of a kitten in the further are not considered.

5) Subsequently, for any acquired diseases of viral, bacterial and other origin the Breeder is not responsible. The owner, receiving the animal, gives a full account of his actions, understands that he receives a living creature that can be exposed to external and internal aggressive influences, accepts the fact that high-breed animals do not have strong natural immunity and non-compliance with the regime of maintenance, quarantine, feeding, routine vaccination, medical veterinary care, etc. may cause harm to the health and life of a kitten, the responsibility for which falls squarely on the Owner.

6) we prefer to have a kitten come in person, so the Breeder is not responsible for the quality of cargo transportation or delivery with courier animals and the consequences associated with transportation. Liability ends at the moment of transfer the animal to the cargo or courier.

7) When sending the animal cargo and/or courier Owner assumes responsibility for such costs, due to the stress and physiological characteristics of pedigree cats and will take action to eliminate them if necessary, guided by the advice of the Breeder.

8) Owner in the presence of the Breeder ( or video if you can not see the animal personally ) examined the eyes, ears, mucous membranes of the mouth, anus, skin and tail, testified to their normal state, the inspection is satisfied. Owner is sure and confirms that the kitten at the time the transfer is visually healthy. The owner has no claims to the Breeder for health kitten at the time of receipt.

9) Breeder agrees:

In case of detection of the kitten incompatible with the life of a genetic disease within 1 year of receipt, by granting the Owner a photo of the corpse, autopsy, autopsy report, is recorded on the disc and corresponding veterinary documents ( certificates will be accepted only by the competent specialists of leading clinics and laboratories having official recognition at the international level, the choice of which shall be agreed with the Breeder ), confirming the diagnosis, exchange the animal for another of the same sex and quality. Costs associated with the replacement of the animal are paid by the Owner. If at the time of replacement will be the best quality animal, the buyer pays the difference in price.

10) the Parents of the kitten tested and free of HCM.

The breeder guarantees the replacement of the animal in case of positive diagnosis of the animal by HCM at the age of 1 year. But only UNTIL receipt of the first kittens. The etiology of primary cardiomyopathies to date has not been fully studied. HCM disease in cats is a complex disease, the cause of which can be many factors. Hereditary pathology, viral diseases, autoimmune mechanisms, biochemical disorders and feed deficiency (e.g. taurine) may participate in the development of cardiomyopathy. In case of detection of HCM kitten at the age of 1 year, the Owner is obliged to inform the Breeder. Provide a repeated HCM test +infection tests( many heart diseases can occur against the background of viral infections, which gives a complication on the heart and is the fault of the buyer in the late provision of assistance) (only tests are taken by licensed cardiologists of leading clinics that have official recognition at the international level, the choice of which is agreed with the Breeder ). In the case of confirmation of the diagnosis by the Owner at its own expense carries out an operation for castration/sterilization of the animal and gets to replace another animal of the same sex and quality. Costs associated with the replacement of the animal are paid by the Owner.

11) the Breeder does not guarantee reproduction.

12) all disputes are resolved confidentially between the Breeder and the Buyer, the removal of disputes beyond the communication of two persons frees the Breeder from any liability.


13) the Owner undertakes to: - keep the animal in quarantine for 14 days;

The owner understands and agrees that cats can be carriers of viruses calicivirosis, rhinotracheitis (herpes), coronavirus, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc.Cats breed Sphynx canadian obtained by fixed mutation, causing the lack of wool, so the breed has no strong natural immunity. The animal may experience stress from moving, changes in habitat, which leads to a drop in immunity.

The owner undertakes not to make a claim on the health of the animal Breeder and assist the animal if necessary under the guidance of the Breeder.

The owner understands and agrees that the animal is clinically healthy, as evidenced by a veterinary certificate form No. 1

The owner understands and agrees that the breeder is interested in the participation of the animal in the breeding kennel Owner and the Owner during the inspection ( or video ) of animal, and on the basis of the veterinary certificate ( f.1) convinced and agrees that the Breeder has taken all necessary action to preserve the health of the animal in the kennel "Cupcake“.

The owner agrees that the responsibility of the Breeder for the health of the animal ends at the time of transfer of the animal to the Owner, courier or air carrier ( cargo ), and the claims of the Owner for the health of the animal from this point will not be accepted, including in the case of animal disease during quarantine.

14) - if you have any questions, ask for clarification to the Breeder and follow his recommendations;

- in the event of any problems with the animal, which could subsequently lead to a dispute between the parties, in the first place to inform the Breeder.

At the request of the Breeder, the Owner must provide a video of the animal. And video support ( for the identification of the animal) in clinics during repeated studies, if the Breeder can not be present at the examination in person;

- never use unverified information from incompetent sources (Internet, other breeders of the breed, or people who consider themselves to be such, etc.) to provide veterinary care or choose a program for the maintenance and/or feeding of a particular animal. This information will be provided in full by the Breeder as the Owner of such a need.

If The owner does not comply with the recommendations of the breeder, the Latter is not responsible for the damage caused to the animal.

15) the Owner has the right to return the animal to the Breeder at any time of receipt to a preliminary fact, and the repayment period, but without getting previously paid for the transfer of tribal use of the money amount and no compensation for its content.

16) Payment for the transfer of breeding rights to the animal from the nursery "Cupcake,Carafuto Victoria,Murland Best" is not refundable under any circumstances. Possible replacement animal, provided the Owner of PP.: 9, 10,11,12.

17) All payments associated with the transfer of money, with the delivery of animals from the kennel to the Owner's house, the purchase of a container for transportation, paperwork and other necessary, the Owner pays extra. Including the replacement of the animal ( in the case of a dispute ) the costs associated with the return of the animal and a new animal is paid by the Owner.

The shipping cost is always paid by the Owner.


18) Conditions of transfer of the rights of breeding use on the animal:

These provisions are due to the high breeding value of the above animal.

The contract of transfer of the rights of breeding use on an animal from nursery "Cupcaket" is mixed and contains the conditions of the contract of purchase and sale of an animal regulated by Chapter 30 of the civil code of the Russian Federation, and conditions of the contract of transfer of the exclusive right of use of breeding animal which according to Art. 6 of the civil code (application of the civil legislation by analogy ) is regulated by Art. 7 of the Federal law "on breeding animal husbandry", according to which use of breeding production ( material ) as object of exclusive rights ( intellectual property ) is allowed in the order provided by the legislation.

The owner receives the right of breeding use for the animal from the nursery "Cupcake" with the restrictions provided by the terms of the contract ( p. p. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ). After breeding and after providing pictures of castration/sterilization in the nursery "Cupcake,,Smart,Smart Cupcake,Karafuto Viktory,"e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. the animal goes into FULL PROPERTY of the Owner and agreement to as part of the transfer of rights of tribal use and the sale is terminated. The transfer of breeding rights to the animal from the nursery "Cupcake " is not intended by the Breeder for commercial gain. The purpose of transfer of the rights of breeding use is the further breeding work of the above-stated animal in nursery of the Owner.

Violation of any of the limitations under the terms of the agreement, violates the rights of the Breeder and harm the kennel "Cupcake".

19) the Animal will carry a name cattery "Cupcake" for life and this should be reflected in any documents and registration. When using photos of an animal as any advertising must indicate the complete pet's name with the prefix of the kennel "Cupcake ". The owner undertakes to place a photo of the animal with his full nickname with the prefix of the Cupcake kennel on his website no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the animal.

20) The animal returned to the Owner for breeding within a closed type private nursery exclusively for personal use. The owner undertakes NOT to open the cat from the cattery "Cupcake" for public use and not to provide mating to other cats of third-party catteries.

The owner shall knit this cat only cats directly owned ( purchased and owned by the Owner or born in the kennel of the Owner ).

21) the Owner undertakes to not sell kittens from that obtained in the nursery "Cupcake" producer in Russia and ALL former republics of the USSR for breeding. It is possible to sell castrates (operation on castration/sterilization is carried out by the Owner before transfer of a kitten to the new buyer ), as Pets, to any region without restrictions.

22)the Owner shall not sell kittens and 5 generations grandchildren from manufacturers Cupcake :Baklanova Elena(Ukraine), Lana Avatara (Mariupol), Tatiana Guseva Kushnareva Vendetta,Elena ,Efimovich Marina (England),Svetlana Nikitina (Yaroslavl),Lyudmila Egorova (Minsk),Kornyushina Yulia (Saint-Petersburg),Konovalova Ekaterina (Minsk),Shulyak Ksenia (Kanduba Oxana Ukraine) ,Julia Fedosova (Joser), Kazachenko Luybov, Sidyakova Lida (Vintage),Argentum Ekaterina  Kozachinskaya(Ukraine), Nadezhda Illalova (Jeremi), Svetlana (Zyl'fiya) Averenkova (Golden cats ), Katarzuna Wikilson (Katte Frappe cattery , Poland ) , Zhanna (Zellar cattery ) , Valentine Chloe (Sankt Petersburg cattery ) 


23)the Owner understands and agrees that the rights of the breeding work cannot be transferred to a third party!!! The owner shall be neutered/spayed received in cattery "Cupcake" maker at the end of breeding.

Photo castration provide on e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

24) in case of failure to comply with any of the above conditions, the Owner undertakes to pay a fine of 2 prices for the right of breeding use of the animal to the head of the nursery "Cupcake ", not later than within one month from the date of detection of violations of at least 1 of the terms of use of breeding animals from the nursery “Cupcake ".

25) in case of failure to pay a fine, the above animal is returned to the kennel "Cupcake" on demand. Delivery is paid by the Owner.

26)the failure by the Owner of any of the terms of this Agreement, release the Breeder from all obligations.

27) Having received a breeding animal from the nursery "Cupcake ", the Owner confirms that he understands, agrees and accepts all the terms of this contract Offer.

28) in case of confrontation, public scandal or defamation of the reputation of Dasha Dasha and Cupcake kennel, including the transfer of information to third parties, the breeder releases himself from all obligations, including replacement and any kind of compensation.

29)the Owner shall not remove the claws,and tattooing , to mistreat bought a kitten.

30) delivery, certificates for the transportation of the animal are paid by the buyer SEPARATELY.

31) from producers Cupcake   , 3 generation cats cannot be sell in breeding in Russia,Ukraine,Belarus and CIS.

32) The exchange of the manufacturer (Cupcake ), his children, and grandchildren is also prohibited .


All generations from the producers of Cupcake  are permanently closed for sale in Belarus , in case of violation of the contract, the buyer, buying the producers in these kennels, agrees to pay a fine double the cost of the animal
If the buyer does not pick up the animal within the agreed period, the breeder releases himself from any liability and keeps the deposit for himself as compensation for the loss in the sale and maintenance
35) By accepting a kitten, you agree with its quality and have no complaints. 







* Owner warned and fully agree that under the current rules of the kennel "Cupcake" and "Law on consumer rights protection" ( APPROVED by decree No. 55 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19 January 1998) purchased animals are exchanged and are non-refundable.

** At the request of the Breeder, the Owner is obliged to provide video of the animal. And video support ( for the identification of the animal) in clinics during research, including repeated, if the Breeder can not be present at the examination in person.